Quadra Island, BC

a coastal sauna experience
for locals and visitors alike

Whether you're a long-time local or a first-time visitor, sauna is the perfect activity to compliment your Quadra Island experience. Not only will the heat relax you to your very core, but alternating the heat with a dip in the (frigid!) ocean will bring you to be one with this place. To immerse yourself in the ocean is to join the ocean, water to water, salt to salt. There is great power in hot-cold therapy (see more on our "Benefits of Sauna" page) - well-worth working up the courage to walk into the Salish Sea.

We are CLOSED until January 2025

Is sauna a new thing for you? Maybe you've tried it before, maybe you're an old salt. Check out our sweet little handmade barrel sauna - site of future relaxation


Sauna is so much more than just warming your body - it's therapy that reaches down to your core, to the foundation of your very molecules...